The Water and Waste Operators Association of Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia
2025 WWOA Charles Reichert Tri-Con Scholarship Program
WWOA is pleased to announce it will award up to Sixteen (16) scholarships (four per section) to the 2025 Tri-Association Conference (Tri-Con), which will be held August 26th - 29th, 2025, at the Roland Powell Convention Center in Ocean City, Maryland. Each scholarship covers the cost of a Full Conference registration with ticketed events, and three nights’ lodging (Tuesday, August 26th; Wednesday, August 27th; and Thursday, August 28th) at one of the conference hotels. The value of each scholarship is over $650! Another great benefit of WWOA Membership!
Attendance - Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the full conference and are required to attend the WWOA Business Luncheon held on Thursday, August 28th, at 12:00 noon in the Convention Center. Should a scholarship winner not check in at the conference and attend the Business Luncheon, he/she will not be eligible for a Tri-Con scholarship again for the following three (3) years thereafter.
Eligibility - Only applicants that were 2024 WWOA members and are current 2025 WWOA members (2025 dues paid as of entry deadline of June 16th, 2025) are eligible.
Winners will be selected in a random drawing held on June 18th, 2025, at the WWOA Executive Board Meeting. Members need not be present to win. Only one entry per member will be accepted. You can find more information about the conference at To enter the drawing for the Scholarship, this application must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on June 16th, 2025. The Scholarship is only valid for the 2025 Tri-Association Conference and is not transferable. If a winner is unable to attend or receives conference funding from another source (excluding themselves), the scholarship will be awarded to an alternate winner. Additional event tickets for each winner's spouse, children or guests, as well as transportation and tolls to and from the Conference, and other incidentals are the responsibility of the winner. The conference registration fee and lodging will be paid directly to the Tri-Association Conference Committee and the hotel.
2025 WWOA Tri-Con Scholarship Application.pdf
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
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