2025 WWOA Spring Training
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025 - 8:00am to 4:30pm
Annapolis Elks Lodge * 2 Pythian Drive * Edgewater, MD 21037
*Registration includes breakfast and lunch and a complimentary 2025 WWOA membership for non-members*

Agenda and Class Options
8:00 - 8:30 Registration (coffee, juice, fruit, bagels, and donuts)
8:30 - 12:00 Verifying the Water and Wastewater Process (Part 1) - Instructor: Mike Harrington, MCET; TRE 4301-08-06 (Process) All Operators; 7 hours
When it comes to process management, choosing the best verification protocol is all about selecting the appropriate method. This program reviews the selection process by looking at the various methods operators can choose to obtain information for daily reports, process management and even process control. Protocols will be addressed to let operators choose the between the best selection methods for water/wastewater quality. Six verification methods will be addressed, Gravimetric, Colorimetric, Titrimetric, Turbimetric, Electometric and Nepelometric methods.
8:30 - 12:00 Wastewater Treatment - Nutrient Removal (Part 1) - Instructor: George Smith, MCET; TRE 6022-16-11 (Process) Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater; 7 hours
Wastewater treatment systems take human and industrial liquid wastes and make them safe enough, from the public health perspective, to return to the aquatic environment. Forms of nitrogen and phosphorus nitrification and denitrification, chemical and biological phosphorus removal, alkalinity adjustment, supplemental carbon sources, process testing, control and permit compliance will all be discussed in detail. The effluent concentration required will be discussed as to the appropriateness of enhanced nutrient removal (ENR) techniques used to remove TN to less than 3.0 mg/l and TP to less than 0.3 mg/l. Optimizing operations for year-round effluent performances will be discussed for both nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Operational issues related to TN and TP removal will be identified along with recommended corrections.
12:00 - 1:00 Buffet Lunch /Door Prizes/ Meet the Vendors!
1:00 - 4:30 Verifying the Water and Wastewater Processl (Part 2)
1:00 - 4:30 Wastewater Treatment - Nutrient Removal (Part 2)
(you must take both parts of the session to received credit)
Vendors and Sponsors
A limited number of tabletop vendor displays and sponsorships are available. Your logo on signage at registration, meals, and breaks will maximize exposure to attendees. Breakfast and lunch included!
To register click on Vendor and Sponsor registration option below.

WWOA Spring Training Flyer 2025 pdf
*Current WWOA Member Number is required to receive discounted Member price. All attendee costs increase by $15 after April 15. Payment for all registrations (attendee, vendor, and sponsor) by credit card is preferred. No refunds after April 15, 2025.